GfK Webinar: Driving Brand Growth from Touchpoint Optimization

Recording and presentation available!


Have you ever thought about how many brand touchpoints you had when you bought your latest smartphone?! You researched online, looked into a store, discussed with friends, compared prices offline and online,… and at the end had a multitude of experiences with the finally selected product.

In today’s digitalized world, brands and retailers have more touchpoint opportunities than ever to connect with consumers. Therefore gaining a thorough understanding of the consumers’ purchase journey including offline and online touchpoints can be quite overwhelming.

Based on our extensive experience in running Consumer Journey projects across industries, we will share learnings and recommendations in our webinar on how to get most value out of Consumer Journey research to drive actions for the 4 W’s:

  • Where: What are critical touchpoints I need to be present to connect with consumers?
  • What: What is relevant content by touchpoint to effectively engage with my consumers?
  • When: At which phase of the consumer journey do my consumers look for which information?
  • Who: Which of my consumers need what content at what point of time?

The webinar reaches out to marketing managers and analysts, who want to dig deeper into understanding and optimizing their brand's touchpoint strategy in a focused and flexible way.

Download your free records now.

