
GfK Purchasing Power Europe 2023 compendium

Download our free compendium with purchasing power maps for all 42 European countries.

Find out how purchasing power is distributed regionally in Europe!

In 2023, the average per capita purchasing power in Europe is €17,688. However, there is a clear divide among the 42 countries in Europe: Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, for example, have quite a higher net income than the rest of Europe, while the purchasing power is the lowest in Belarus, Kosovo, and Ukraine. The biggest winner of the year is Ireland, which moved up four places in the overall European comparison.

In total, Europeans have around €12.1 billion available to spend in 2023 on food, housing, services, energy costs, private pensions, insurance, vacations, mobility, and consumer purchases. This corresponds to an average per capita purchasing power of €17,688 per year, which represents a nominal growth of 5.8 percent compared to the revised values of the previous year. However, the amount that consumers actually have available for spending and saving varies greatly from country to country, and also depends on how consumer prices develop in 2023.

Download our free compendium to see the regional distribution of the population's purchasing power – both between countries and between the regions within a country.

Contact me if you have any questions:

Tim Weber
T +49 911 395 2612

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