
AUTHOR: Roland Abold

Since our last newsletter went out, our team has been busy as always, ensuring that we are bringing new and innovative solutions to market, to maintain the highest standards of media measurement. This has most recently been reflected in Spain when we won the Digital Audience Measurement contract to become the next DAM currency and also in Singapore where we are partnering with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) to introduce a single-source measurement approach that combines survey data with digitally collected data.

Furthermore, we've done more research on how COVID is impacting advertising, we've released the latest overview of where people are spending their time online, and we've spoken with egta about the importance of hybrid measurement and data integration to enable and support new business models in TV and Radio markets.

We hope you enjoy the reads! And, as always, we're here to talk media – simply get in touch with your account manager or myself if you have questions or comments.

Abold Roland
Roland Abold
VP Sales and Commercial, GfK
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GfK will be the Digital Audience Measurement currency in Spain starting 2022

AUTHOR: David Sánchez
GfK is set to become the new digital currency provider in Spain after a successful tender organized by the Spanish digital industry with its solution GfK DAM.

We are currently in discussion with IAB Spain, AIMC and Anunciantes to set up the operation starting on January 1, 2022.

Key factors contributed to GfK DAM being the best scored solution:

  • It is a single-source solution where the individual is in the center of the measurement, regardless of the device used
  • We own a deep knowledge of the Spanish digital industry, including its needs and idiosyncrasies
  • We have developed an integrated solution that expands the number of panelists to reach niche audiences
  • We will be able to provide a detailed picture of the Spaniards’ digital behavior thanks to a single-source approach that will fuel marketing and product decisions

According David Sánchez, Digital Solutions Director at GfK Spain:

“GfK DAM is a global solution that can be adapted locally, tailored to different digital industries but always maintaining a universally comparable measurement. For this reason, it is a solution which will be easily applicable to any country that demands an advanced market measurement and multidevice digital consumption data knowledge.”

David Sánchez
Digital Solutions Director, GfK
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GfK and SPH to introduce single source media measurement in Singapore

AUTHOR: Lee Risk
Audio Measurement

The study, commissioned by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), aims to understand the changes to the audience profile with the proliferation of multiple media platforms, products and formats with insights that will go beyond just reach and frequency.

To get these findings, GfK will introduce a fresh approach for a measurement that combines survey data with digitally collected data in a single-source approach. In two main surveys per year, 3,000 individuals selected to ensure an accurate representation of the population will provide their print and radio habits. This will be combined with digital data collected by GfK and SPH to give a total picture of consumption. For in-depth analysis of the data, GfK offers its own software solution which will be available to the industry.

GfK’s analysis will identify media engagement and examine media consumption, with deep dives into SPH’s print, digital media and radio platforms. Specific to print, there will be insights from general consumers and paying subscribers.

The study will be released in 2 waves of data to track audience behaviour and changes. The first integrated report, which includes the use of print, radio and digital, is targeted to be released in June this year, with a second integrated report scheduled for the end of the year.

Link to article

Link to press release


Lee Risk
Commercial Director, Media Measurement, GfK
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COVID impact on advertising

AUTHOR: Roland Abold
Covid impact on advertising

In September 2020, we brought together nine experts from the fields of media, advertising, research, and data for our fourth annual GfK Roundtable debate. Their mission was to assess the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on media and advertising. With consumers locked down in their own homes, and the coronavirus spreading across the globe, the media industry has proved to be invaluable for news and information as well as entertainment. In this session, we covered a wide range of topics, from the short-term to longer-term impacts of this monumental event.

The crisis has been both a catalyst for changes in lifestyle and media consumption and a stimulus for escalating pre-existing trends. For instance, being cooped up in our homes provided an enforced opportunity to discover new content and technologies. People have not only tried new services, but also explored the capabilities of the connected devices they already owned. In the white paper, we examine what these trends mean for the growth of the media sector and for media measurement.

Read the full blog article here.

Abold, Roland
Roland Abold
VP Sales and Commercial, GfK
Get in touch

Use the right touchpoints and channels to activate the people you want to reach

AUTHOR: Björn Sprung

Digital usage has significantly changed since the first lockdown in March 2020. Since then, there has been some stabilization of online habits, but behavior is still significantly different than it was before COVID-19. And, it continues to fluctuate as different countries shift in and out of lockdown measures. Habits across markets also share some similarities, but also many differences. 

What does this mean for you? You've already created market leading products. Now you need to adapt your marketing strategies so that they have maximum impact. You need to ensure your message is heard. That your target group knows why they need your products. And that you can inspire them to take action. See past the disruption and gear up to stay ahead of the game.

Read more in the year overview plus categories by FMCG shopper type.

Björn Sprung
Client Business Partner, Global Integrated Solutions, GfK
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egta interviews Roland Abold and Timo Thomsen

AUTHOR: Timo Thomsen

In two sessions of a series of videos, Katty Roberfroid, Director General from egta (European Organization of TV & Radio Sales Houses), interviews Roland Abold and Timo Thomsen about the future of Television and Radio Audience Measurement.

Please spare a couple of minutes to watch the crisp videos in case you are interested in:

  • the recent developments in radio and audio consumption in Europe
  • the importance of hybrid measurement and data integration to fuel new business models in the different radio markets
  • data integration for cross media audience measurement and its success factors
  • the impact of innovation in video audience measurement for media currencies

You can see the interviews here:

Unlocking the future of radio audience measurement through data and innovation

Advancing video audience measurement through innovation and data integration

You can also read our egta Insight report about our approach to media measurement here.

Timo Thomsen
Timo Thomsen
Global Head of Product & Innovation, GfK
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