FutureBuy® 2019 Podcast

Episode 2: New Shopping Modalities

In episode 2 of the new FutureBuy 2019 Podcast, GfK EVP Joe Beier shares observations around the dynamic shopper landscape and how shopping behavior is evolving.

It's no secret that shopping behaviors are changing across the space. FutureBuy attempts to identify what behaviors are worth paying attention to going forward. 

The FutureBuy study allows for more nuanced responses than typical behavioral questioning. The result in our data is projected future behavior. The 2019 wave probed the following emerging shopping modalities to assess potential upside:

  • Shopping on a smart speaker
  • Subscription box services
  • AR/VR

Of course, the full study has much more actionable information waiting to be unleashed. Contact us today to learn more!

Check out the other episodes in the series - Episode 1: Boomers and Episode 3: Leading Edge Consumers.