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A fresh look at Gen Z and Millennials

Stay up-to-date with trends and insights around these key generations so you can make the right strategic decisions.

Gen Z is entering the workforce and consumer market in droves every year. They are, quite literally, the future. Millennials are a huge generation entering their prime earning and spending years, with many new experiences ahead of them.

These two generations represent more than 50% of the global population, making them important cohorts from brands to understand. Yet, they continue to defy expectations as consumers.

This preview report looks at several dimensions of these generations, including:

  • Gen Z and Millennials at the global and regional level
  • Their values, needs and views of the future
  • Common misconceptions that marketers should avoid
  • How brands can connect with them as consumers 

Don’t let past assumptions derail your strategies around Gen Z and Millennial consumers. Access this preview report from GfK Consumer Life, the most comprehensive consumer trend & prediction study in the world.

Access the preview report: